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01 日常工作 (第7/7页)
财务科报销了飞机票和住宿费用。 8. i want to take this chance of business trip to pay a visit to my old friend. 我想利用这次出差机会顺便拜访我的老朋友。 下班了,回家去 dialogue it's time to get off work. ann comes to ask for sarah whether she will punch out or not. 该下班了,安去过来问莎拉是否要打卡下班。 ann: i think we should call it a day. shall i punch out for you, sarah? 安:我觉得我们要下班休息了。要我给你打卡吗,莎拉? sarah: ok, thank you. 莎拉:好的,谢谢。 ann: all right. let's go home. according to a swiss study people taking the stairs instead of elevator at work can expect to live longer. why don't we take the stairs? 安:好了,我们走吧。根据瑞士的一项研究,上下班爬楼梯的人比乘电梯的人寿命要长。为什么我们不走楼梯呢? sarah: good idea. every day we sit for so long in the office without exercise, which is not good for our health. 莎拉:好主意。我们每天在办公室坐很久而不锻炼,这对我们的身体很不好。 ann: right. let's go. when i return from work every day, i would rather walk than take a bus. but i live too far away from our company. 安:是的,我们去爬楼梯吧。我每天下班回家,宁可走路也不愿坐公共汽车。但是我住的地方离公司太远了。 sarah: i ride my bike. i don't live too far away, so it's pretty convenient. it's only about a fifteen-minute ride from my house to the office. 莎拉:我每天骑自行车。我住的不远,所以很方便。从我家到公司只需要骑车15分钟。 ann: i bet it's a good way to keep fit. 安:我敢说那是保持健康的好方法。 sarah: yes, not only a good way to keep in shape, but a good way to relieve pressure as well. 莎拉:是啊,不仅仅是保持身材的好方法,还是减轻压力的好方式。 notes 1. punch out 打卡下班 2. elevator ['eliveit?] n. 电梯 3. would rather do…than do… 宁可做……而不做…… 4. keep in shape 保持健康;维持身材 5. commute [k?'mju:t] n. / v. 乘车上下班 小贴士 赖班族 继“上班族”、“月光族”等现代“族群”之后,都市又悄然兴起“赖班族”,而且“赖班”人群呈明显上升趋势。赖班族,指的是people hanging on in their offices after work, 也就是下班后没有回家的欲望只想赖在办公室消磨时间的一群人。在中国,上班族的下班时间一般都在下午5点到6点半之间,但在北京、上海等城市的许多写字楼里,到了晚上还透出片片灯火,这群加班的人中有无奈“被加班”的,有为了避开下班高峰期的交通拥挤而“赖班”的,另外也有一群因孤独不愿回家的。他们更愿意待在办公室和朋友上网聊天,因为这会使他们感觉更舒服自在些。这种赖班族们可以尝试自我减压,多参加一些娱乐活动,以加强和朋友间的交往以及通过家人团聚等方式来拓宽自己的交往圈,从而摆脱种种不良状态。这样可以在上班期间排除所有干扰,制订详细的工作计划来提高工作效率。